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Plagiarism is presenting someone else ideas, methods, or writings without mentioning the source with the aim of being claimed as a self-creation. The unaccredited use of somebody else’s words or ideas and is one of the most serious offenses any student can commit, whether the act is or not unintentional. Writing undergraduate research projects pose challenges in gathering literature and providing evidence for making the research stronger. Drawing upon previously established ideas, values and adding pertinent information in the scientific research are necessary steps, but these need to be done with caution without falling into the trap of plagiarism. Fortunately, it’s not all scary. Avoiding plagiarism is actually easy to do now that you have a foundational understanding of what it is. Plagiarism can have severe consequences on students and others. To avoid...Read More »
Research projects are prerequisites to eventual graduation from universities, polytechnics and colleges of education in Nigeria. Developing quality/researchable undergraduate projects in all disciplines can be very challenging especially for final year students who also have other course work and examinations to also do. There are important research clues that every graduating student must know in other to develop research topics, this is because acing your research project has a lot to do with getting a research project topic. In getting a quality project topic to work on below are research clues that would be of help.
Have a basic knowledge of how a standard project work should look like
In getting a project topic in any discipline ranging from accounting project topics, political science research topics; one must have a basic knowledge of how a standard undergraduate researc...Read More »
Finding quality final research topics and materials in Nigeria among graduating students can be a daunting task whether accounting project topics, banking and finance project topics, education project topics or even in the sciences like industrial chemistry final year project topics. It is important to note that in finding a project topic, students must be mindful of the type of final year topic they choose as this may actually make or mar research performance and ultimately your final grade. In choosing final year research topics for your research, it is important to not the following before choosing any project topic.
Check If There Are Enough Research Materials For The Research Topics You Want...Read More »
Techniques for choosing good final year research topics should be a must for every graduating student, this is because writing and defending your final year project is a prerequisite for graduation. Being able to ace your undergraduate research has a lot to do with whether or not your undergraduate project topics is good enough to be researched. Most students make the mistake of simply picking any project topic without making the necessary research to know if indeed adequate research can be carried out on the said topic. Good undergraduate project topics are indeed topics that can be researched upon and your ability to source for research materials when writing your project should always be key. Most students end up being stuck in a project as a result of their inability to get good researchable undergraduate project topics. Final year students should also bear in mind that an...Read More »
Most graduating tertiary institutions students in Nigeria are always at a loss or a bit confused on how to get research clue in sourcing for free undergraduate project topics and research materials in Nigeria. Starting any research first starts with your ability to source and find a research repository that would be of help when writing or carrying out your research. Final year students in Nigeria are often advised before carrying out their research to ask their predecessors for guide or even make a random search off and online. The sole purpose of this is to get you acquitted on how to search for final year project topics, research works and materials. Graduating students are also advised to also check their school and departmental libraries as these plac...Read More »
In developing project topics, it is essential to understand and effectively reference your research. In tertiary institutions, it is also important to note that referencing is a major component of every final year or post graduate research. Most graduating students find it difficult to know which type of reference or citation pattern to deploy.
Reference can simply be defined as a page is the last page of a research, listing It lists all the sources used you've used in your research project. The basic reason for referencing is so readers can easily finds what you've cited.
In other to properly reference any project or research, one must also understand what reference styles are available and which is appropriate for which or what kind of research being carried out.
Referencing style in research can be said to dictates the research information necessary for a referen...Read More »
Most project works has the chapter four which is very important comprising of data presentation, data analysis and interpretation. For a researcher or project student to be able to interpret his/her project work effectively, he/.she must have a good knowledge of the level of significance and its application to a project work. All project topics are designed to test hypothesis consisting of a null and alternative hypothesis. Accepting a null or alternative hypothesis can only be made using the level of significance as a yardstick
What is level of significance?
The level of significance denoted by α is simply the level at which we either reject or accept the null hypothesis based on our t-test or probability value commonly known as p-value. During data analysis and interpretation, decisions cannot be made without the level of significance. For professional data analysis, the leve...Read More »
Abstracts are a major component of all projects, research works and materials in tertiary schools and colleges in Nigeria.
Writing an abstract for every research or project work is so important that it can be regarded as the eyes through which project supervisors go through your project work. The saying that the beginning of everything is so important is true and more so in project or research works. Simply put, an abstract can be defined as a brief summary of a project work, article, paper, review etc. in drafting an abstract, the chapters of your work has to be represented in as brief as possible manner, picking out the salient points in each chapter. During project presentation or defence, the research supervisor first looks at the abstract and from there alone can determine if your work, paper or ...Read More »
Undergraduate projects are prerequisites to eventual graduation from universities, polytechnics and colleges of education in Nigeria. Developing quality/researchable undergraduate project topics such as accounting project topics, economics project topics, banking and finance research works can be very challenging especially for final year students who also have other course work and examinations. There are important research clues that every undergraduate must know in other to develop research undergraduate project topics, this is because acing your undergraduate research has a lot to do with getting a research project topic. In getting a quality undergraduate project topic to work on below are the little clue that...Read More »
Undergraduate projects in Nigeria is a prerequisite for graduation amongst Nigerian tertiary students who will which to obtain bachelors degree in their respective courses of study such as accounting, banking and finance, business administration and a host of others. Writing an undergraduate project in Nigeria for final year students entails a lot both financially and otherwise. Being able to develop any final year project depends on getting a researchable topic whether it is Accounting Undergraduate project topics, Banking and Finance research topics or banking and finance project topics and materials and it all requires diligent hard work of students who are willing to develop bes...Read More »
Students in Nigerian universities these days wish to choose a very simple project topic/material. There is no issue choosing a simple project topic; the only problem is your ability to choose a good project or research topic that your supervisor will easily approve for you.
Most project supervisors really want to see how good his or her project student understands his or her surrounding through the kind of topic he or she chooses for their project work.
There are some project topic that are not reject able; for instance in Nigeria of today; what do you think is the major issue on ground now?
If a project student can choose or craft a topic on the effect of dollar increment on the economy of Nigeria. Such project topic will be very interesting to write on.
Now what are the qualities of a good project topic?
1. The materials for the Read More »
Time management is very essential not only in most organization in Nigeria today but it is very vital to researchers and project students. In writing undergraduate project topics, time is of huge essence and it determines alot towards the success of your undergradte research.
It is very important you monitor and management your time in writing an undergraduate project. I believe most Nigeria universities normally ask their project students to write project proposals before writing the complete project.
In your project proposal, you will write the content of the project you are about to write. You must include the time frame for the project work to be completed.
How can a project student manage his or her time?
A good project student can manage his or her time p...Read More »
Writing an abstract for every research or project work is so important that it can be regarded as the eyes through which project supervisors go through your project work. The saying that the beginning of everything is so important is true and more so in project or research works. Simply put, an abstract can be defined as a brief summary of a project work, article, paper, review etc. in drafting an abstract, the chapters of your work has to be represented in as brief as possible manner, picking out the salient points in each chapter. During project presentation or defence, the research supervisor first looks at the abstract and from there alone can determine if your work, paper or thesis is interesting enough to go through the work.
Students usually find it difficult writing a standard abstract for their project work. In ot...Read More »
Most project work has the chapter four which consists of data analysis and interpretation. For a researcher or project student to be able to interpret his/her project work effectively, he/.she must have a good knowledge of the level of significance and its application to a project work.
What is level of significance?
The level of significance denoted by α is simply the level at which we either reject or accept the null hypothesis based on our t-test or probability value commonly known as p-value. During data analysis and interpretation, decisions cannot be made without the level of significance. For professional data analysis, the level of significance is placed at either 0.05 or 0.01. Simply put the level of significance of any experiment is the level at which the null hypothesis is either accepted or rejected based on the p-value.
Most students during their research or project work tend to ignore this which unfortunately tends to haunt them at t...Read More »
Hypothesis is simply defined as an ‘educated guess’. One of the areas that have been a challenging aspect of any project work is the hypothesis testing. Testing a hypothesis in most project work is simply a prelude to the data analysis or simply put it’s just a prerequisite to the actual data analysis of the project work. For most researchers or students to be able to score an A in their project work, then chapter four must have to contribute immensely to this and it is interesting to note that the chapter four which as to do with data analysis and interpretation houses the hypotheses
Basically, hypothesis is of two types which will be basically discussed here; they are:
The Null Hypothesis
The null hypothesis which is usually denoted by H0 is simply the assertion that something or an experiment the researcher is embarking on is &...Read More »
Project or research work cannot be said to be complete if there are references. Reference in every project work comes after the summary and conclusion. Reference is simply a detailed description of the document or materials consulted during the project work. Bibliography can also be said to be a list of publications consulted while writing the paper, project or research work. Reference is slightly more detailed when compared to bibliography.
There are generally accepted means of referencing, in referencing authors of documents consulted in writing your project or paper, the following information is required for your reference to be termed “professional”
1. The author name(s) as they appear in the document you consulted.
2. The title of the book(s) consulted.
3. The year of publication of the material.
In referencing, most project supervisors do not accept references of more than a decade old i.e. 10 years old from t...Read More »
Overtime students have had so many problems in dealing with their project supervisors. Maintaining a professional relationship has a whole of advantages which must be exploited by every serious minded student like you. Project supervision has a lot of intrigues for every student who wants to make an alpha in his or her project work. The following tips would help you maintain a professional relationship with your project or research supervisor.
1. Avoid EXCESSIVE familiarity with your project supervisor
Getting to personally know your project supervisor is a prerequisite for building a cordial relationship that would help your project work with your project supervisor BUT in other to maintain a professional relationship with your project supervisor, creating an impression of excessive familiarity may actually be misunderstood by your project supervisor which could either lead to outright rejection which can spill over to poor grades in your projec...Read More »
During research works, most researchers or project students find it difficult in calculating the adequate sample size to be used for their project, research or survey work. The determination of sample sizes comes up in the before questionnaires are drafted and sent into the field to get data for analysis. Miscalculation of sample sizes may lead to outright cancellation of research/project work by project supervisors as conclusions reached from the uncalculated sample size would not be precise enough in making a decision on the hypothesis under study.
The essence of adequate calculation of sample sizes is so that the conclusions reached after analysis can be generalized to the entire population under study.
As a result of our love for research, we have decided to teach students and researchers on the most reliable and effective way of calculating sample size for their project and research works...Read More »
Having an awesome project defence or project presentation is of great essence. Most wonderful project topics/materials that should have scaled through with an alpha is being cancelled during project defence or presentation. As we all know, project defense or presentation is an inevitable part of any final year curriculum and a prerequisite for the award of whatever degree you are pursuing. My project supervisor back then in school once told and I quote him
“Look young man, for you to score an A in your project defence you have to KNOW your project work like you know your name”.
Many will actually be able understanding what he really Meant by that. For any project student to be able to have an awesome project defense o...Read More »