The study investigated an assessment of organisational change management: why do people generally resist change?The survey research was used in this study to sample the opinion of respondents. This method involved random selection of respondent who were administered with questionnaires. The target population of the study comprised selected residents in Cross Rivers State, Nigeria. The questionnaire administered was two hundred and thirty (230) copies and two hundred and twenty-two (222) copies retrieved which constitute the sample size. The descriptive and analytical approach was adopted using Chi-square to test and analyze the hypotheses earlier stated. Findingsrevealed that there is a significant effect of organisational change management on organizational performance in Nigerian firms. Moreso, the study also reveals that peer pressure is one of main reasons why people resist change in the context of organisational change management. The finding of the study also shows thatorganizational resistance is one different types and levels of resistance to change in the context of organisational change management. The finding of the study further reveals that providing clear communication and education is one of the best practices and recommendations for overcoming or managing resistance to change in the context of organisational change management. Findings also revealed that there is a significant relationship between organizational change and organizational performance in Mill Plc Calabar. It was therefore concluded that Organisational change management significantly influences the organizational performance of firms in Nigeria. It was recommended that managers of firms should demonstrate strong leadership throughout the organization by spreading leadership and decision-making responsibilities in order inspire and motivate employees to play an active role in implementing change thus improving the firms’ performance.
Change has become unavoidable in today's fast-paced, more complex environment. High-speed technical advancements, globalization, and economic variables are only a few of the forces driving change in the corporate world. There is a concurrent shift inside with the change outside, therefore firms must keep up with quick advancements in the corporate world to survive (Okenda et al, 2017).
A collection of actions that result from a shift in direction or advancement that impacts the way an organization functions is referred to as organizational transformation (Osunsan ,2019). If an organization decides to change, its employees may feel as if they do not belong to the organization if the change's activities do not involve the workers. They may have the impression that the organization does not believe in themselves, resulting in low productivity and dedication among employees. Most firms make decisions solely by top management and do not consult with their people to obtain their input. Employees simply follow the decisions made by the upper management. As a result, the employee's performance may suffer (Wai Fong et al, 2014).
Employees are a vital asset to any firm, and their actions can have a favorable or bad impact. Employee performance is critical to an organization's ability to meet its objectives and goals. As a result of mandated environmental changes, firms today are required to advocate for improvements that influence worker performance, implying employee productivity and efficiency as a result of employee growth (Wanza & Nkuraru, 2016). Though we all intellectually realize that progress implies change and that we all need to develop, the possibility of benefiting from change does not make everyone ready, willing, or even able to accept change. On the contrary, it is usually assumed that most people would be resistant to change (Okenda et al, 2017). Organizations face several change pressures as a result of the complexity of events and the rapidity of technology in the environment. Organizations are compelled to implement change initiatives as a result of ongoing developments and a variety of reasons. Indeed, these external and internal pressures on firms to change emerge from the organizations' external and internal environments (Yilmaz & Kilicoglu, 2019).
Changes in organizational structure can improve worker performance, depending on how well supervisory relationships and workflow affect productivity (Amed et al, 2019). Change is unavoidable in Africa. Most African countries have gone through a succession of transformations. Universities in Africa have seen significant changes as a result of the rise and extension of institutions of higher learning. To compete worldwide, universities have embraced change management variables such as culture, technology, leadership, and structure, which have an impact on both employee and organizational performance (Wanza & Nkuraru, 2016).
Although change is intended to be a benefit for the organization or its employees, the employees’ behavior it is not always for change. Resistance to change is the employees’ natural reaction to the change process. When change is introduced in organization, it produces a range of reactions due to the inherent uncertainty or to the incentives that alter human behavioral patterns such as: status quo, anxiety, lack of tolerance, etc. Frequently resistance to change is defined as a reaction of human behaviour against undesired consequence of change, in other words a natural reaction caused by losing-control anxiety. Ford, Ford and McNamara (2002) in a review of the literature say that resistance occurs because it threatens the status quo, or increases fear and the anxiety of real or imagined consequences including threats to personal security and confidence in an ability to perform. Resistance is a natural phenomenon in the change progress; it is not necessarily towards change itself, but towards the implications of the change. The process of passing from known to unknown implies uncertainty, therefore individuals’ perceived threats towards a state which they knew, controlled and it was a satisfactory stage. Change menaces the way people make sense of their actions, bringing into question their rationality, values and their understanding or assessment of the situation at different stages. In organizations, moreover, people resist change because they: perceive negative effects to their interests; the uncertainty of the future situation determinates a high degree of discomfort; are attached to the organizational culture, lack of convention or clarity to what is needed; they just dislike the change or due other contextual situations, personal characteristics and organizational goals.
Resistance is a natural phenomenon in the change progress; it is not necessarily towards change itself, but towards the implications of the change. The process of passing from known to unknown implies uncertainty, therefore individuals’ perceived threats towards a state which they knew, controlled and it was a satisfactory stage. Change menaces the way people make sense of their actions, bringing into question their rationality, values and their understanding or assessment of the situation at different stages. In organizations, moreover, people resist change because they: perceive negative effects to their interests; the uncertainty of the future situation determinates a high degree of discomfort; are attached to the organizational culture, lack of convention or clarity to what is needed; they just dislike the change or due other contextual situations, personal characteristics and organizational goals. Resistance to change represents an obstacle to in any change initiatives. The specific features of change, a high degree of ambiguity or risky parameter, can lead to a lack of participation and transmission of correct information among those involved. Resistance to change is divided into three groups of factors, individual, group and organizational (Mabin, Forgeson & Green 2001).
Since the 1980s, Mill Plc in Calabar has been the focus of foreign and internal forces investigations in various nations, primarily the United Kingdom (Dalati, 2016). The internet, in particular, is a major driver of internal changes. Internal change has been substantially accelerated by the same variables, including the internet, leadership, organizational structure, and innovation (Dalati, 2017). Despite empirical evaluations on the impact of organizational reform on productivity, there is a paucity of literature on such an effect in the Mill firm. As such, the purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of organizational change on employee productivity of Nigeria.
Recently, as a result of the tough competitive climate, fast changes have occurred in the company, increasing the competition for income and growth. The concept of organizational change is primarily concerned with organizational-wide transformations, which primarily include changes in the organization's mission, operations, and mergers (Khosa, 2017). Changes may reduce worker productivity and effectiveness. It has a detrimental impact on staff performance as a result. Every working day, employees must interact with customers. As a result, employees play a significant role in the banking industry.
Resistance to change can be interpreted as an attitude or behavior of an individual who can frustrate the purpose of change goals (Chawla & Kelloway, 2004). Employee adverse reactions to changes will have enormous consequences; this is because they will inhibit the success of the planned changes (Fugate et al., 2012). The facts show that one of the factors that cause the failure of organizational change is employees who resistance to change (Regar et al., 1994). From the previous explanation about resistance to change which is a negative reaction of employees in inhibiting change, and by considering that the importance of change in an organization, then there is no doubt that resistance to change is the main topic to help the organization, especially for managers and human resource division to achieve the advantage of effective transformation.The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons, types, and levels of resistance to change in the context of Organisational change management (OCM), and to identify and analyse the strategies and tactics that can help to mitigate or manage resistance to change in Mill Plc in Calabar.
1.3 Research Question
The main objective of this study is to explore the reasons, types, and levels of resistance to change in the context of organizational change management (OCM), and to identify and analyze the strategies and tactics that can help to mitigate or manage resistance to change in Mill Plc in Calabar. Specific objective of the study include;
Research Hypotheses
H0: There is no significant effect oforganisational change management on organizational performance in Mill Plc Calabar
H1: There is a significant effect oforganisational change management on organizational performance in Mill Plc Calabar
H0: There is no significant relationship between organizational change and organizational performance in Mill Plc Calabar
H1: There is a significant relationship between organizational change and organizational performance in Mill Plc Calabar
The findings of this study were significant for both managers and employees at Mill Plc Calabar.
Firstly,the managers at Mill Plc Calabar were benefited from this research knowing how to manage change without affecting the performance levels of their employees by increasing their productivity, increasing employee engagement and increased sustainability of the change’s implementations.
Secondly, the employees at Mill Plc Calabar were also benefited from the finding of research by increasing the involvement in the implementation of the change, reduced stress, greater sense of control and finally to help them to better understand the need for change and thus to overcome resistance toward change.
The study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the topic of resistance to change and organisational change management, and provide valuable insights and guidance for organisational leaders, managers, and practitioners who are involved in or affected by change initiatives.
The study will also offer a novel and integrative perspective on the complex and dynamic relationship between change and resistance, and the role of organisational change management in facilitating and enhancing organisational performance and development.
Furthermore, the findings of the present study will serve as a guideline to other researchers who are interested on the same topic and also fill the paucity that exist in literature on the effect of organizational change on productivity.
1.7 Scope of the study
The coverage of this study was at Niger Mill Plc, Calabar. The study were focused on the independent variables of organizational change with the dimensions of structural change ,strategic change and technology change which currently adopted by the organization and dimension of productivity were used to measure the dependent variable which was employee performance.
1.8 Organization of the study
This Research paper is organized and classified into major’s five chapters:-
The first chapter deals with introduction part which contains the background, the statement of the Problem, objective of the study, research question, significance of the study, Scope of the study, organization of the paper operational definition of terms.
The second chapter is review of theoretical and empirical literatures. Lastly, the conceptual frameworks for this research work were presented.
The third chapter deals with research design and methodology of the study; it covered the approach used on this study, research design, data source, data collection instrument, sampling method and sampling size, method of data analysis and ethical consideration.
The fourth chapter is about data analysis and interpretation from the collected data were presented
Finally; the last chapter of the paper gives a conclusion for study and recommendation based on the finding of the study.
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
Organizational Change: According toOsunsan (2019) Organizational change is set of actions outcome to a shift in direction or progression that affects the way an organization operates.
Resistance to Change:Resistance to change is the reluctance of people to adapt to change. It can occur at both individual and organizational levels, and it can have various causes and types.
Organizational Performance: Organizational performance is a measure of how well an organization achieves its goals and objectives. It can be evaluated in different dimensions, such as financial, operational, customer, and shareholder performance.
Productivity: Productivity is the measure of how specified resources are managed to accomplish timely objectives as stated in terms of quantity and quality.
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