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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 100 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   158 people found this useful

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The study examined the the effect of Integrated Marketing Communications on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study of GLO NG. This method involved random selection of respondents who were administered with questionnaires. Relevant conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed. The target population of the study comprised selected students from Nile University, Nigeria. Three hundred (300) respondents constitute the sample size for this study. The descriptive and analytical approach was adopted using Chi-square to test and analyze the hypotheses earlier stated. Findings revealed that fhere is a significant effect of integrated marketing communications on consumer buying behaviour in Glo NG. Findings of the study also reveals that location of the customers is one of the factors that may influence buying behaviour of consumers through the integrated marketing communication in Glo in Nigeria. Findings of the study also reveals that there is a significant relationship between integrated marketing communications and consumer buying behaviour in Glo. Finally, findings of the study further reveal that creating a consistent and unified message across all communication channels is one of the ways of improving buying behaviour of consumers through the integrated marketing communication in Glo. It was therefore concluded that Integrated Marketing Communications significantly impacted on the Consumer Buying Behaviour of GLO NG in Nigeria.It was recommended that the Nigeria Telecommunication Industry should have variety of media to diversify their communication in order to have effective output




  1. Background of the Study

             Many years ago, agencies and clients seem to believe that to deliver messages to particular people, it was adequate to use specific tool of communication mix (Agarwala et al., 2018). It was a common belief that it was necessary to use particular tool to achieve specific communication effects on buyers. Due to this, clients were recommended to use advertising to create awareness, public relations to create interest and goodwill towards a brand, sales promotion to generate immediate sales etc (Galbete et al., 2017). Potential customers were required to deal with a variety of functionally different and independent agencies in other to complete their communication requirements with their various audiences as communication abilities.

             Nowadays, clients seem to have begun to re-orient their communication away from mass media approaches to increased level of interaction with customers, the structural inadequacies of the marketing communications sector seem to have served to constrain them (De Mooij& Hofstede, 2011). This appears to be the reason why Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) was born. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) seems to emerge as a reaction to structural inadequacies and the realization of clients that their communication needs can be achieved more efficiently and effectively.

             According to Wood (2004), communication is “a systemic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings.” The Oxford dictionary, communication takes place when one individual, a sender, displays, transmits or otherwise directs a set of symbols to another individual, a receiver, with the aim of changing something, either something the receiver is doing (or not doing) or changing his or her world view. This set of symbols is typically described as a message. Marketing communication has therefore been defined as a process for planning, executing and monitoring the brand messages that create customer relationships (Duncan, 2005). Marketing communication has also been defined as the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues and sources within a company into a seamless program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost (Clow & Baack, 2007). Marketing communication therefore represents the voice of a brand and the means by which companies can establish a dialogue with consumers concerning their product offerings. It allows marketers to inform, persuade, incite, and remind consumers. It can provide detailed product information or ignore the product all together to address other issues (Keller, 2001).

             Marketing communication activities come in a wide variety of flavors based on audience, media platform and business in today’s evolving and dynamic marketplace. One of the most important changes in today's marketplace is the increased number and diversity of communication options available to marketers to reach customers (Häuser& Daugherty, 2011). The need for an organization to properly coordinate its marketing communication strategies in order to deliver clear, consistent and competitive messages about itself and its products is therefore highly imperative for every result driven organization (Häuser& Daugherty, 2011). Innovative and creative marketing communications have great impact on a companies’ products/services sales.

             In today ever-changing environment of social networks, empowered customers and hyper competition, organizations need to be prepared to immediately implement holistic thinking for their marketing and communication strategy. It also appears to be necessary for organizations to make powerful impact on target audiences and markets, to be an increase in global competition, technological advances, and fast informed customers. The emergence of Integrated Marketing Communication is one of the most significant examples of development in the marketing discipline. It may be one of such step toward an integrated approach to achieving efficiency by synergy. Integrated Marketing Communication have influenced the thinking and acting among companies.  Integrated Marketing Communication may bring a brand’s information to customers. The Nigerian market place consists of an increasingly complex area of competition within a rapidly changing environment. Business is now getting internet-based operations, portraying a charming picture of sophisticated and clustered market. It is attempting to speak with clear voices about the natures of their operations and programs and the benefits associated with the brands. Integrated Marketing Communication may not be only communication process, but also a process connected with brand and also makes them to have some favorable positive strong and unique brand association in their memory.

          Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) as a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated measurable persuasive brand communication programmes over time with customers, prospects and other targeted relevant external and internal audience (Schultz and Kitchen 2002).

Consumer purchase behavior is considered to be an inseparable part of marketing. Marketers’ point of view issues specific aspects of consumer behavior that need to be studied which include: the reasons behind consumers making purchases, specific factors influencing the patterns of consumer purchases, analysis of changing factors within the society and others. Blackwell et al., (2006) informs that consumer purchase behavior is itself is a complex, dynamic issue which cannot be defined easily and commonly. Therefore, the concept of consumer buying behavior has been defined in different ways by different researchers.

Kotler and Keller (2011) state that consumer purchase behavior is the study of the ways of buying and disposing of goods, services, ideas or experiences by the individuals, groups and organizations in order to satisfy their needs and wants. It also investigates behavior which is the earlier process of buying, the process of purchasing and the next purchase after buying (Yakup &Savl, 2011). Buyer behavior has also been defined as a process, which through inputs and their use though process and actions leads to satisfaction of needs and wants. Alternatively, consumer buying behavior “refers to the buying behavior of final consumers, both individuals and households, who buy goods and services for personal consumption” (Kumar, 2010).

In a global context, marketing communication plays an important role in developing sales and market share (Kotler & Keller, 2011). In agreement, the companies that spend the highest amount overall on marketing communication such as advertising in the USA would be the toy and gaming industries. For example, Ninja Corporation is an awardwinning design company, making the most innovative toys and outdoor activity products for children worldwide. It owns 52% of the market while their 2 main competitors only have about 15% each. In order to keep its products on top of their consumers' minds, they constantly use advertisements as reminders. As much as this can be generalized for every market, such findings have not been extensively covered in the Nigerian telecommunication market.It is based on this background that the present study seeks to examined the effect of integrated marketing communications on consumer buying behaviour: a case study of Glo ng.

  1. Statement of the Problem

Many years ago the theory and practices of business communication where discussed without considering the idea of integration as a realistic approach to reach a competitive strategic position for the company. Significant challenges to achieve optimal Integrated Marketing Communication performance seems to be in existence and acting as barriers in way of effective Integrated Marketing Communication function in Nigeria. Organization seems to ignore the use of variety of multiple media in Integrated Marketing Communication program, because they may be unaware of its effect on brand performance. They appear to be uninformed that Integrated Marketing Communication can perform and lead to benefits and delivering the objective of the organization. Most organization see the integration of multiple media as a means for delaying or postponing actions, little do they know that Integration Marketing Communication requires the cooperation and coordination of different media to succeed. They do not know that another level of Integrated Marketing Communication though integration of multiple media is about bringing together the communication tools.

Integrated Marketing Communication brand messages is an aggressive marketing plan that captures and uses an extensive amount of customer information in setting and tracking marketing strategy. Many organizations seem not to be aware of this important function. They did not know that Integrated Marketing Communication facilitates the effectiveness of the overall marketing effort to evaluate brand messages.

  1. Research Questions

             The following questions guided this study;

  1. What is the effect of integrated marketing communications on consumer buying behaviour in Glo?
  2. What are the factors that may influence buying behaviour of consumers through the integrated marketing communication in Glo?
  3. What is the relationship between integrated marketing communications and consumer buying behaviour in Glo?
  4. What the ways of improving buying behaviour of consumers through the integrated marketing communication in Glo?

Research Objectives

             The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of Integrated Marketing Communications on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study of GLO NG. Other specific objectives of the study include;

  1. To determine the effect of integrated marketing communications on consumer buying behaviour in Glo
  2. To identify the factors that may influence buying behaviour of consumers through the integrated marketing communication in Glo
  3. To ascertain the relationship between integrated marketing communications and consumer buying behaviour in Glo
  4. To identify ways of improving buying behaviour of consumers through the integrated marketing communication in Glo

Research Hypotheses

The following were hypotheses were stated;

Hypothesis 1

H0: There is no significant effect of integrated marketing communications on consumer buying behaviour in Glo.

H1: There is a significant effect of integrated marketing communications on consumer buying behaviour in Glo

Hypothesis 2

H0: There is no significant relationship between integrated marketing communications and consumer buying behaviour in Glo.

H1: There is a significant relationship between integrated marketing communications and consumer buying behaviour in Glo

  1. Significance of the Study

This study examines the impact of integrated marketing communication program on consumer buying behaviour in the Nigerian telecommunication industry with specific reference to Globacom. The study will be significance in the following ways;

          The study will contribute to the enhancement and expansion of stock of knowledge about the integrated marketing communication program on improving customer buying behavior in the telecommunication industry. It is the belief of the researcher that the findings of the work will surely improve the existing state of knowledge and the crucial need for the improvement of integrated marketing communication program on improving customer buying behavior in Glo Telecommunication Industry.

          This study will be of assistance to the marketing industry at large; as professionals will know where they stand when it comes to the effectiveness of their communication. They will get to know what they are doing right and what they are neglecting, how consumers feel and what needs to change. It will also spur healthy competition among telecommunication companies.

                It will also provide practical reference about usefulness of integrated marketing communication to the managers and employees of Telecommunication Industry. This study will contribute to the body of literature on integrated marketing communication and consumer buying behavior.

          This study will be beneficial to scholars and market researchers that specialize in studying consumer behavior because they will appreciate the role that communication plays in influencing the buyer’s behavior. In light of this it will be key factor to study when researching on different consumer categories.

  1. Scope of the Study

This study is limited the effect of Integrated Marketing Communications on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study of GLO NG. Thus, this study was be carried out in Nigeria and respondents from this study included those who work in the Glo telecommunication company.

  1. Operational Definition of Terms

Integrated Marketing Communication

          Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a cohesive strategy that aligns and harmonizes a brand’s messages across all marketing mediums. It ensures that whether through advertising, social media, or direct marketing, the brand consistently communicates its core message, strengthening its relationship with the audience and reinforcing its identity at every touchpoint.

Consumer Buying Behavior

          Consumer buying behaviour is the process of decision-making and actions that consumers take before, during, and after purchasing a product or service. It is influenced by various factors, such as psychological, personal, social, and cultural factors, as well as the marketing mix of the product or service.


GLO NG is a leading telecommunications company in Nigeria, offering a range of products and services such as voice, data, mobile money, enterprise solutions, and entertainment.

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