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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 75 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   717 people found this useful

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1.1 Background of the Study

          In a world of heightened threats to security and identity, the peacebuilding activity is increasingly becoming important to preventing the hostilities between the parties in conflict (AIbrahim, 2010; Evans, 2006) . However, the needs to broaden peacebuilding strategies and potential synergies poise advocacy from research studies. Hence, the growth in conflict resolution NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs ) as well as the increasing dimensions of conflict resolution to development and humanitarian activities suggest that the chances of building peace from the rubble of conflicts are now more achievable than ever (Jacobsen & Brand-Jacobsen in Galtung , 2002; 27) . As a result, Galtung argued that issues with culture, human needs and fault-lines of the human condition have now entered the peace debate.

          Meanwhile, the relationship between religion, peace and conflict had been a contentious subject attracting a wide array of arguments and contrasting opinions which are often grounded in popular belief and not empirical fact. While a lot of analysis may focus on the negative role of religion, it is also important to acknowledge the potential positive role of religion in peacebuilding for interfaith dialogue and other religiously motivated movements. According to Huntington, religion is central, perhaps the central force in the modern world that motivates and mobilise people (Hagg& Kagwanja, 2017: 27). For this reason, Marty sees religion as the one that focuses on critical concern, builds community, appeals to myth and symbol through rites and ceremonies and demands certain behaviour from its adherents (Machava, 2018, 11-14). Religion has always remained a considerable factoof Nigeria's public sphere, in spite of the belief in some quarters that religion is redundant in the modern age (Ayantayo, 2009).

          As a result, religious practitioners and institutions are integral part of Nigerian public sphere, which have capacity to influence politics and society. As a result, there are discussions on how to identify societal problems with group or sub-group levels.Hence, it is intrusive that religious issues in the hubs of culture become imperatives in establishing sustainable peace in the society (Gopin , 2003) .

Consequently, studies by Said and Nathan explained religion 'as a powerful constituent of cultural norms and values ' that is deeply implicated in individual and social conceptions of peace , because it addresses some of the most profound existential issues of human life , such as freedom, inevitability, fear/security, right/wrong and sacred/profane (Said & Nathan , 2002 ).In view of that, history has presented cases of mediation and peacemaking by religious leaders and institutions . For example, the World Council of Churches and All Africa Conferences on Churches mediated the short-lived 1972 peace agreement to Sudan.

          In addition, religious communities have moral assets, which address the realities of violence, and social assets by mobilising public action and great reach at all levels of the society (Ackerman, 2013). In real sense of this , the teaching and practices of world major religions Christianity , Islam , African Traditional Religion , Buddhism , and Judaism ; show spiritual and moral formations that support peace , social justice , reconciliation and harmony within and between humanity and divinity . Hence, all religions developed laws and ideas that give civilization with their cultural commitments to peace related values (Gopin, 2000). These include openness to and love of strangers, suppression of unbridled ego and acquisition, human rights, unilateral gestures of forgiveness and humility, inter-personal repentance and acceptance of responsibility to reconciliation and social justice. Correspondingly, Bouta (2005) states that understanding the religious community's laws and ideas is fundamental to understanding potential for religious peacebuilding.

          Hitherto , the process of peacebuilding is rife with complexities , and as a comprehensive concept , it generates , encompasses and sustains some full array of processes , approaches , and stages to transforming conflict towards a more sustainable and peaceful relationships (Sampson, 2017, 194).Nevertheless, the traditional peacebuilding strategies to date include activities that strive to discuss the challenges related to preventive and post conflict peacebuilding with the goal of curbing potential volatile situations from becoming full-fledged conflicts again . However, the religious actor's strength of operating more peacebuilding tools than secular actors has created rooms for academic research (Larson , 2004). It is based on this background that the present study seek to examine the role of religious organization in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State,2019-2023.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

          Existing studies on peacebuilding in Kaduna state are replete with the roles of faith-based organisations (Ihejirika, 2011). However, these studies have not optimally explored the effectiveness of activities by faith-based organisations on peacebuilding in Kaduna state because of the belief in some quarters that their agendas are hidden with suspicious compositions. This neglect has denied previous findings of the strengths and weaknesses for activities by faith-based organisations of advancing peacebuilding in Jama’a lga, Kaduna state, Nigeria, from 2019 to 2023.

          Kaduna state has witnessed conflicts in the last two decades as a result of unhealthy ethno-religious relations between religious bodies and organisations that were often accused of fuelling conflicts despite their connotations of peace (professed by all religions). Hence, there is the general perception that throughout the world, no major religion is exempt from complicity in violent conflict (Subero, 2011). Moreover , religious bodies and organisations roles‘ in ensuring sustainable peace remain contested among scholars as the growing interest in faith-based actors'roles have continually inspired academic debate about the many problems and challenges faced and caused by religious actors . This is not unconnected to Kaduna state ethnoreligious relationships which have remained polarised despite various efforts by faithbased actors towards the management of conflicts.

          Although studies such as Zigler (2014) have over the year concluded that pluralistic identity is the one that harmoniously integrates an ethnic or cultural tradition for their commonality, however, the use of religion for political survival as a result of ethno-religious compositions among group poses a serious threat to the existing peace in Kaduna state. In this regard, identity mobilisation has been on the increase through formations and activities of some groups and organisations in Jama’a lga, Kaduna state. Furthermore, major political issues are vigorously contested along the lines of complex religious and regional divisions. As a result, this plural nature fuels a constant feeling of distrust between the units and making the fear of one ethnic or religious group dominating the other being contested. Also, the perceived marginalisation and deprivation of one group by the other often causes conflicts between the two major religious groups (Islam and Christianity) in Kaduna state. Thus, the Muslims are still avoiding Christians dominated areas, and vice versa. Likewise, the atmosphere in Kaduna state is particularly tense between ethnoreligious communities when a report on violence in another northern state of Nigeria was announced. This study is aim at examining the role of religious organization in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State,2019-2023.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

          The main objective of this study will be to examine therole of religious organization in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State,2019-2023. Specific objectives of this study will include;

1. To determine the impact of religious organization on sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State.

2. To examine the causes of religious organization in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State.

3. To determine the ways in which religious organization adopt in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State

4. To determine the relationship between religious organization and sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State.

1.4 Research Questions

          The following questions will guide this study;

1. What is the impact of religious organization on sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State?

2. What are the causes of religious organization in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State?

3. What are the ways in which religious organization adopt in sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State?

4. Is there a relationship between religious organization and sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

          The following were hypothesized in this study;

Hypothesis One

H0: There is no significant impact of religious organization on sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State

H1: There is a significant impact of religious organization on sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State

Hypothesis Two

H0: There is no significant relationship between religious organization and sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a lga, Kaduna State

H1: There is a significant relationship between religious organization and sustaining peace in Nigeria,a study of Jama’a L.G.A., Kaduna State

1.6 Significance of the Study

          This study is important as it examined the role of faith-based organisations ' on peacebuilding with a view to evaluating the strengths and weaknesses for the activities geared towards advancing peacebuilding in Kaduna state. In this vein, the study would unveil the state of peacebuilding and identified activities and challenges about faith-based organisations ' on peacebuilding in Jama’a L.G.A., Kaduna state.

In other words, the study would advance knowledge on peacebuilding inJama’a L.G.A., Kaduna state by showing the faith- based organisations complementary roles in other stakeholders/actors in the peacebuilding constituency.

Moreover, the future researches and the entire religious communities will benefit from the findings and recommendations on ethno- religious conflict management in  Jama’a L.G.A., Kaduna state. To the policy makers, it will throw more lights and be of a great help for policy formulation and implementation. Furthermore, the study will offer inclusive recommendations on how well to effectively involve religious actors in peacebuilding.

Methodologically,the study will break a new ground by using primary sources of data (questionnaire ,interview and focus group discussion) to probe into the contributions to faith-based organisations ' on peacebuilding in  Jama’a L.G.A., Kaduna state asagainst previous attempts that used desk research studies to investigate faith based actors ' roles of peacebuilding.

1.7 Scope of the Study

          The focus of the study was limited to preventive peacebuilding of the period 2019- 2023. The choice of the time frame was due to the fact that, signing of 2002 peace agreement (which led to the later peacebuilding programmes) began from 1999. Consequently, records of lapses and replace into large-scale ethno-religious violence in Kaduna state, of which peacebuilding programme has followed them, characterised events from 2019 to 2023.

          Further to this, the study carried out a cross -sectional survey among the beneficiaries (Muslims and Christians communities) of religion organisations activities in JAMA’A local government areas. Nevertheless, the findings are authentic representation of the population.






          This chapter reviewed literature on the study areas and key concepts that make the pillar for the study. Accordingly, the literature review is on the concept of peacebuilding; Activities and challenges of peacebuilding in Kaduna state; Faithbased actors and peacebuilding in Kaduna state; Identity mobilisation in Kaduna state, Nigeria; Appraisal of religion, Faith-based organisations and Peacebuilding; and Theoretical Framework which includes Social capital theory and Social identity theory. Sequel to this, the study examined the gaps in the literature.

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