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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 80 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   229 people found this useful

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This research examined the examine the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal church in Rivers State; A case study of House of Glory Ministry Int;l. Relevant conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed. The descriptive survey research design was adopted in this study to sample the opinion of respondents. This method involved random selection of respondent who were administered with questionnaires. The target population of the study comprised of selected members of House of Glory Ministry Int;lin Rivers StateState, Nigeria. A total of three hundred (300) respondents constitutes the sample size using a simple random sampling technique. Data were analysis using Chi-square analysis and Pearson Multiple Correlation.The result revealed that there is a significant effect of false prophecy on the life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry int;l. The finding of the study also reveals that birthing ladies naked in the river is one of the negative practices of prophecy and prophetic worship in House of Glory Ministry Int;l. The findings of the study also reveal thatselling of anointing oil is one of the negative practices of prophecy and prophetic worship in House of Glory Ministry Int;l. The findings of the study also reveal that defrauding the church members in the name of showing seed and benevolence giving is one of the negative practices of prophecy and prophetic worship in House of Glory Ministry Int;l. The finding of the study also reveals that diverting the attention of church members into this devilish practices is one of the negative practices of prophecy and prophetic worship in House of Glory Ministry Int;l. Finally, the findings of the study reveal that prophecy and prophetic worship leads to division and ritual activities among members of House of Glory Ministry Int;l.It was therefore concluded that the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal churches. It was recommended that the need for Christian sects that believe the prophetic ministry has ceased to review their perception and have a relook into the prophetic phenomenon.




  1. Background of the Study

The prophetic has a significant role in both the church and the wider world. This is the case because individuals have a new hunger and are willing to do whatever to satisfy it. As they go forward into an uncertain future, they become more and more hungry for guidance. Their main goal is to receive some guidance as they make their way through the complexity and chaos that characterize our environment(Joyner, 1997).

Life's phenomenon is the fear of the unknown circumstances. This has prompted the need to consult God's people for advice. why it is essential to have a prophetic ministry. In reality, since the beginning of time, the prophetic ministry has played a crucial role in God's communication plan. In the Old Testament era and even now, God was able to connect with His people through the prophetic. So, just as it did in the Old Testament era, the prophetic ministry still holds a significant place in this New Testament era.The prophetic ministry is a crucial component of the believer's life and religious practice in New Testament Christianity. It is a crucial key that opens the doors to the paranormal and gives the believer access to bits of God's information, wisdom, and power. As a result, revelations about the past, present, and future are offered to believers. God collaborates with His people through the prophetic to carry out His purposes and intentions for them.

The prophetic ministry's role in the life of the believer is to enable him or her to have a broad range of influence and impact, according to a scriptural analysis of the prophetic ministry. A careful study of the Bible reveals that whenever the prophetic was given a setting, the people who permitted its expression and manifestation benefited greatly from it. The prophetic confirmed God's enduring presence and protection over them, which was evident in the wins they attained, and brought God's revelation into the here and now for them (Francis, 2000). According to a scriptural analysis of Old Testament prophetism, prophets were God's appointed messengers or representatives. God delivered His messages to His people through these prophets. Several of these prophets recorded the messages that God gave them and used them to warn and/or advise God's people to uphold their commitment to the covenant they had made with Him. They served as advisors who provided people with direction and divine counsel regarding the future as prophets. They foretold the arrival of the Messiah and disclosed celestial truths (Ayikwei, 2018).

The prophetic ministry is also discussed in the New Testament in some detail. AwulleyAyikwei asserts that prophets of the New Testament era were instruments through which God's word, rather than only the rules, was voiced to the populace. Consequently, prophets served as God's messengers, conveying His message so that everyone could personally experience the imprint of His law within their own hearts. The gospel was the main message of the prophecies that the prophets gave, and it was their job to speak God's word and explain it to God's people. In modern Christianity, the prophetic ministry has taken a new direction.Apart than the basic reason that God instituted the office of the prophet as shown in the old and new covenants, numerous additional factors have caused prophets to emerge on the Nigeriaian Christian scene. Because prophets have positioned themselves as bearers of solutions to the societal ills afflicting people, the prophetic ministry has become a welcome development for many charismatic and pentecostal churches. It is necessary to conduct an investigation into its operations and determine the social and spiritual effects it has on charismatic Christians and churches given the rapid rate at which prophetic ministries are sprouting up in almost every region of Nigeria and the number of people who flock to charismatic churches that engage in prophetism. It is based on this backdrop that the present study seek to examine the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal church in Rivers State; A case study of House of Glory Ministry Int;l.

  1. Statement of the Problem

In modern Nigerian Christianity, the prophetic ministry has grown in prominence. Most spiritual gatherings today revolve around prophets, and people go for a variety of reasons. Individuals frequently seek the advice and direction of prophets in order to learn about their existential needs or find solutions to their problems with regard to their businesses, careers, education, health, marriages, promotions, international travels, etc (Onyina, 2000).

Many Nigerians, both Christians and non-Christians, have turned to asking Christian prophets for advice because they think the prophets have strong spiritual connections and can get them the knowledge they need. Because society has become increasingly "Christianized" and "civilized," many people choose Christian prophets instead of conventional priests because they find it "uncomfortable and unwholesome" to go to them for such important spiritual guidance. Prophets who identify as Christians are thought to be "genuine prophets whose statements are beyond dispute or inquiry” (Grudem, 1990). It is not surprising to find members of different religious belief systems attending prophetic events held in charismatic churches given this perspective and development in Nigeria's Christian scene. Because of this propheticphenomenon, there are now more prophetic ministries than ever before. In fact, it would be exceedingly challenging to count all the prophets in Nigeria's regional capitals, notably Abuja and Rivers State. Their ranks are growing daily, and the prophetic activities they engage in within the larger Nigerian and Christian communities are raising doubts. It based on this background that the present study seeks to examine the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal church in Rivers State; A case study of House of Glory Ministry Int;l.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

          The main objectives of this study is to examine the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal church in Rivers State; A case study of  House of Glory Ministry Int;l. Specific objectives of the study include;

  1. To determine the significant effect of prophecy and prophetic worship on the life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l.
  2. To identify the problems of caused by fake prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.
  3. To determine the impact of the prophecy and prophetic worship on the faith of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l
  4. To determine if there is significant relationship between prophecy and prophetic worship life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l
  5. To identify the problems prophetic practices in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions

          The following questions will guide the present study;

  1. Does prophecy and prophetic worship have a significant effect on the life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l?
  2. What are the problems of caused by fake prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal churches in NIgeria?
  3. Does prophecy and prophetic worship have impact on the faith of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l
  4. Is there a significant relationship between prophecy and prophetic worship life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l?
  5. What the problems prophetic practices in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria?



1.5 Research Hypotheses

          The following were hypothesized;

Hypothesis One

H0: There is no significant effect of prophecy and prophetic worship on the life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l

H1: There is a significant effect of false prophecy on the life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry int;l

Hypothesis Two

H0: There is no significant relationship between prophecy and prophetic worship life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l

H1: There is a significant relationship between prophecy and prophetic worship life of Christians in House of Glory Ministry Int;l

1.6 Significance of the Study

          In fact, charismatism and contemporary Religion are both undergoing a powerful prophetic movement. There is a prophetic wave in the church, and as a result, there are many more prophetic ministries now than ever before. Certainly, in today's charismatic congregational settings, prophecy is portrayed as one of the most prevalent and beloved expressions of the charisms (gifts) of the Holy Spirit.

The present study is therefore significant in the sense that it is an attempt to make a contribution to the academic discourse on prophetism, bring prophets to the consciousness of the effects of their prophetic practices, inform the church and the country at large on the spiritual and social impact prophetism has on people and as well as help people who doubt and have an obscure mind about the prophetic ministry to reconsider their mindset and views about it.

The findings of this study will enable the general public and educators to know the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.

The findings of this study will also help the general public to know the problems of caused by fake prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.

The findings of this study will further help student and researchers who are interested in this topic in other state as filling the dearth in existing literature on the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.

1.7 Scope of the Study

           This study is limited to the negative effect of prophecy and prophetic worship in Pentecostal church in Rivers State; A case study of House of Glory Ministry Int;l.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Church:  A church refers to a group of people who devoted to serve a supreme being God.

Prophecy: Prophecy is a divine discourse declared by a prophet through divine inspiration. Prophecy primarily has to do with the disclosure of the plans and purposes of God concerning something or someone.

Prophetism: Prophetism is a term used to describe a prophetic character, function or authority. Thus, it defines the behaviour of a prophet or group of prophets.

Charismatism:Charismatism is a form of Christianity that empathizes on the work of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and believe that experiencing miracles is a part of christian’s everyday life.

1.10 Organization of the Study

          The research study was captured in a five-chapter thesis with each part sharing insights on the various stages of the study and how it was conducted as well as the resultant findings gathered at the end of the research. Thus, Chapter one addressed the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, definition of terms and organisation of the study. Chapter two covered the review of relevant literature for the study. Literature was reviewed in relation to the objectives of the study. Both the theoretical and empirical literature. Chapter three highlighted the research methodology adopted for the study. These included the research design, population and sampling procedure, instrumentation, mode of data collection and data analysis. Chapter Four entailed the analysis and discussion of the data. Chapter Five presented the summary of the findings, conclusions, recommendations and areas for further research.

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